Friday, March 13, 2009

Graduate School

Well, well, well. This is what graduate school does to your desk in your house. Let's see, we've got coupons (very important for poor grad students); we've got the drink of kings (coffee) for how could one stay awake through all their boring work! Next we have a can of sparkling water - yes, even a way to make water more exciting since, as a grad student, I look forward to the small things in life...oh!...exciting water (lime flavored by the way, and in a can because again, grad students are poor). But yet, there is also a glass of regular water. Of course one must have three drinks at a time - again, the exciting factor comes in, as well as the notion of , "I will be sitting in this chair for the next three or four hours reading and don't want to waste valuable time getting up for something as measly as a cup of water."
Next we have headache medicine...a staple for grad school. Post-it notes, for those pesky research ideas that pop into your head at any random moment. Finger nail polish - very important for those girly grad students...what else are you going to do while you read?! There is a book (or at least dust cover) on the desk, so see, grad students do work. Pen and pencil holder, clips for papers, matches...(not sure what the use of those is for, other than they fit in that bowl). Also a small container of make-up, since I often fail to get dressed for life if I am staying home to work. When someone comes to the door, slam on some powder and perfume, and "boom!" you can be ready to answer the door in three seconds flat while still being in your pj's.
In conclusion, one can see the staples of grad school life. Oh, and there is a small bag of candy too - sugar is a good thing, at all times. Now, if only my desk weren't so full of "necessities" maybe I could actually do my work! But, being a graduate student, I will find some weird, balled-up position with a blanket and pillow in my reclining chair and then wonder in three hours why my neck and back are so sore. Boy, I'm Little Miss Sunshine today. Happy Friday the 13th!

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