Saturday, May 16, 2009

wisdom teeth hell

Well, I haven't posted in quite awhile...since I had my wisdom teeth yanked from my head. They needed to come out and the older you get, the harder the recovery. Wow, to think that I am too old (or getting there) is crazy. But, as much as I hate to say it, the stats are right. Still recovering as of today, here is run-down of my horrible "shit-magnet-ness."
1. Got teeth out (woke up with my whole mouth swollen and numb). When your mouth is numb (inside and out) it feels like a dead person's skin. Yuck!
2. One day later I apparently got dehydrated and started retching to the point where I could hardly breathe, oh, and you can't blow your nose for a few days, so that was fun.
3. Next day hightail it to the dr.'s office, recevied IV fluids for 2 hours; pepped back up and finally could pee.
4. One day later got dry sockets on both bottom holes; and to think I quit smoking for all of this, and yet dry sockets still came. Had to wait out the weekend, got them packed by the dr. on Monday. As much as i hated the packing (think a mouthful of cloves for about 6 hours after the packing), it helped the pain. At this point, still on pain killers.
5. Got the packing taken out, still dry; got more put back in.
6. Got the packing out, slight infection, put me on antibiotics and more pain pills
7. Infection gone (yay!), dry sockets still there - more packing.
8. Weekend: packing fell out (ouch!), got through the weekend popping a lot of Advil and flushing out the hole even though it brought me to my knees, I almost passed out, and all the orfaces of my face started to "run"
9. Weekend over, go to the dr. "again!" Doc says infection: put me on major antibiotics (most common side effect: DEATH! not kidding, either); have to take 16 pills a day to counter-act the death possibility - I am now on 31 pills a day!! If infection does not get better, must go to hospital. Back on pain meds (good ones too!).
10. Go back to doc b/c the packing fell out. Doc looks and says "for sure" if infection not gone or noticeably better by this Monday, I must go the hospital for 48 hours of IV antibiotics and testing to find out what kind of infection there is. The reason for all this "infection" hype is that the infection went into my jaw bone, and apparently, as is true of all bone infections, they can get in your blood and kill you or re-appear in another bone, which may require amputation.
11. Packing fell out on Thurs. I'm roughing it. Called the doc, finally feel better. Must call back on Monday.

It is is any indication, today went on a short hike nearby (Meramec Highlands). I am feeling much better and getting out of the house after 2 1/2 weeks in bed was sure nice. Blog updates later.

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