Thursday, September 4, 2008

come a long way...

Wow! I just had a chance to review what I have written since I started this blog. Clearly I have embarked on a new chapter in life, with new hopes and dreams. It is funny how when we are in the thick of things, we may not like it, but we don't want to leave it for the unknown. Luckily for me, this change was in the right direction. However, it is only after struggling for two years, that I am able to tell where it is that I want to go. It is nice not to have a dictator running my life and career, although that person will surely be missed and is thanked for all the life lessons taught while under his tutelage. All is (now) good.

"momma, momma, many years have gone, since I first left home."
--Greatful Dead, "Brokedown Palace"

Something's in the air...

well, some free form this morning, since my body decided to wake up at 6 am, for no apparent reason. Maybe it's Gustav in the air, (we have been having high winds and rain from the hurricane, now turned tropical storm). My dog has been on edge yesterday and today too...hmmmm, another earthquake maybe?

School and work are going so much better now that I don't work for "the man" anymore. although it defiantly had its perks, I am in a better position for me, now. I am excited everyday I wake up to be able to work on things that are important to me. Thank goodness, I was really hoping this would come soon in my career.

And, for the end, a nice little creativity that has been bugging me for the last few days. Here goes...

The Rogue Tomato Plant

Within the city of asphalt and concrete,
between two slabs of an alley,
a tomato plant thrives.
In a bed of weeds and wildflowers,
it popped its head up one summer morn,
and with no help, but from nature,
the little thing grew.
From where did this come, one wonders.
Surely no one snuck up at night
to pop a seed into the ground
for others' pleasure and feast.
For now, it grows, slowly, but steadily,
vine winding across the ground,
tiny yellow flowers budding, multiple a day,
and now six perfect, smooth, light green
tomatoes are flexing their muscles,
in anticipation of a small fall harvest
for two lucky, city-dwellers.